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Never Trumpers, once led by the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz), Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fl.), and a group of outdated conservative writers like 67-year-old William Kristol and 79-year-old George Will, finds a new voice close to the White House in 56-year-old husband of Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway, George. What’s hard to believe that Trump, who prides himself about his vigilance on leaking, continues to employ Kellyanne, believing she doesn’t leak to her husband. How that works in anyone’s guess but Trump obviously believes he can trust Kellyanne. Formalized for fund-raising purposes as “The Lincoln Project,” it’s a same never-Trump group, that couldn’t fathom that an outsider, apolitical type like Trump could beat Hillary. Now finding himself 10-points behind 77-year-old former Vice President and presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden, never-Trumpers smell blood.

Trump’s haters despise him for fighting back on Twitter, calling them out frequently for being has-beens, losers in the conservative movement, that lost eight years with former President Barack Obama. Never Trumpers were all part of the conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming president, joining former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in pushing her bogus “dossier,” assembled by a known con artist former British MI6 Agent Christopher Steele for Hillary and the Democratic National Committee. But before Hillary or the Democratic National Committee [DNC] got their hands on it, the never-Trumpers started the “dirty dossier.” Knowing it was utter rubbish from the get-go, never Trumpers like Kristol, Will and now Conway, all backed former FBI Director James Comey’s counterintelligence investigation in 2016 into Trump’s alleged ties with Russia.

No, the intellectually phony crowd didn’t care that the dossier was filled with outright lies or Russian disinformation, anything was good as long as it helped Hillary win the 2016 election. Once Hillary lost, the balloon popped for Kristol and Will but mainly because their conservative ideas went into the dustbin. Trump offered conservatives the vigor to take on liberals on Capitol Hill and elsewhere, something never Trumpers couldn’t do. Never Trump didn’t care about taking the White House back, they only cared about defeating Trump. Now former Defense Secretary Gen. James Mattis and Gen. Mike Allen join the never Trumpers crowd, all because they couldn’t push Trump around. Unlike Obama, Trump thinks for himself on military matters, challenging his generals to think out of the decades old box of investing U.S. blood-and-treasure fighting Mideast wars.

Mattis and Allen, after all, backed Obama’s eight-year-old-proxy war against Syiran President Baahar al-Assad. Once Russian President Vladimir Putin joined the fight Sept. 30, 2015 to save al-Assad, Mattis and Allen doubled down, giving millions of taxpayers cash-and-arms to Syrian rebel groups. While they had their favorite rebel groups, Obama’s Defense Department had no clue in whose hands U.S. cash-and-arms were falling, including al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. “When Donald Trump came out of hiding this week, he didn’t do it to bring us together or heal the nation,” said a video from the Lincoln Project. “He wasn’t there to offer words of calm and comfort. Instead he became what we always feared, evoked the worst of our past, threatened our governors and states.” Trump gave a stern warning June 1 to rioters, looters, arsonists and anarchists about their ongoing destruction.

Trump’s supposed to give words of “calm and comfort,” when anarchists torch the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church or deface the Lincoln Memorial with graffiti. Never Trumpers find anything, good, bad or indifferent, to attack Trump, not mattering what he says or does. Lincoln Project’s group of has-been writers love getting disgruntled former Trump employees to denounce the president. Listening to Mattis and Allen you’d think Trump had made a deal with the devil. They were all big backers while working for Trump in the Russian hoax, pushed by Hillary, the anti-Trump crowd then the 22-month, $40 million Mueller Special Counsel investigation to discredit Trump. Mathis and Allens were equally culpable working for the Trump White House as subversives working for the Obama administration trying to get Hillary elected in 2016, then Trump removed from office.

Trump’s fighting an uphill battle for reelection, fighting Democrats and battling splinter right wing groups that want him out of office. Kelleanne Conway’s husband George leads the anti-Trump charge heading into the November election. They all despise Trump because they’ve been outed by Trump as has-beens, losers no longer capable of leading the GOP. Getting hit with a double-whammy of Covid-19 tanking the economy and now nationwide race riots, Trump’s chances of beating Biden have gotten a whole lot harder. If there were ever death by a thousand cuts, it’s Trump heading into the November election. Too much bad news has engulfed the airwaves, something certain Fox News hosts and conservative talk radio hosts can’t reverse. With the media piling on, middle of the road voters can’t help but get swept up in the constant anti-Trump drumbeat, hurting his chances in November.