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Giving 73-year-old President Donald Trump some bad news today, his favorite news outlet reported that a Fox News Poll showed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I.-Vt.) beating Trump 49% to 40%.. Sanders, a self-labeled Democratic Socialist, promised if he makes it to the White House to champion the nation’s working class and deal with today’s billionaire class. Fox News also found that most Democrats, including 76-year-old former VP Joe Biden (D-Del.) beating Trump 49% to 39%, 69-year-old Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) 43% to 41%, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) 42% to 41% and 37-year-old South Bend, Indiana Major Pete Buttigieg 41% to 40%. Pounding their chests with the glee, Democrats and their friends in the liberal press accuse Trump of firing pollsters that give him bad news. But it your really drill down on the numbers, things aren’t as bad for Trump as they look.

With the first Democrat debate happening June 28,.election season hasn’t begun with Trump starting to push-the-pedal-to-the-metal with campaigning. Democrats have controlled the airwaves for the first 30 months of the Trump presidency, blanketing the news with the now defunct Mueller investigation. Finding that Trump was found neither guilty of Russian collusion nor obstruction of justice March 22, Democrats have gone wild in Congress trying to keep the investigation going. Democrats accuse Trump of obstruction of justice because Mueller’s report said it could not “exonerate” Trump. Mueller’s report also said it could not, after 22 months, find Trump guilty of a crime, destroying Democrats hopes. Yet Democrats can’t stop the wild speculation that Trump somehow obstructed justice, despite Mueller saying clearly that he could not find Trump guilty of a crime.

Biden and Sanders continue as front-runners despite the fact that Biden is not a proven commodity on the campaign trail. No one knows how Joe will fair during the debates but it’s clear from speeches-and-interviews that he doesn’t think too quickly on his feet. Bernie has been battle-tested in 2016 against former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Biden’s numbers could drop like a rock if he stumbles in the debates, something not that unlikely. No matter how well managed, Biden lacks the ability to articulate key issues on the fly, leaving him better when carefully scripted. Sanders, on the other hand, has his talking points down so completely, he could recite them in his sleep. When Bernie appeared in a Fox News Town Hall April 15, moderators Brett Baier and Martha McCallum could only watch with amusement Bernie mesmerizing the otherwise conservative Fox News audience.

Bernie’s zeal for his brand of Democratic Socialism sounds utterly convincing, despite potentially bankrupting the country. Yet Biden has no coherent talking points other than selling himself as a Scranton-sort-of guy, touting his working class roots, when in fact he’s lived in the Beltway most of his adult life. Democrats’ liberal base isn’t too galvanized by Biden, especially women who’ve heard the stories about Joe getting a little too touchy-feely. Whatever polls find today, it’s not what they’ll find once Trump hits the campaign trail, working crowds in key battleground states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida. While the media has defined Trump up till now with the Mueller Report’s dark cloud, that’s about to lift and clear the runway before he takes off on his campaign. Today’s polls mean zero when it comes to where things will shake out next year.

Calling new polls fake news, Trump doesn’t like the fact that certain polls show his Democrat rivals fairing well in a general election. Instead of disputing the polls, Trump should remind folks that the campaign hasn’t begun. “We are winning in every single state that we’ve polled. We’re winning in Texas very big. We’re winning in Ohio very big. We’re winning in Florida very big,” Trump said in the Oval Office with Polish President Andrzj Duda. Trump cites internal polls, not national polls by accredited news organizations. Whether his numbers are right is anyone’s guess. What’s most apparent is that Democrats and the media want to boast about current polls showing several Democrat candidates beating Trump. Voters that count in battleground state aren’t paying attention to the campaign yet and can’t report anything accurately until after the 2020 caucuses and primaries get going.

Democrats and media could wind up beating themselves exaggerating the poll numbers when it’s too early to count. Only Sanders can be buoyed by the idea that he’s capable today of beating Trump in a general election much like 2016 when his campaign was sabotage by the Democratic National Committee. Bernie’s numbers aren’t likely to move much like other Democrat candidates less known to the public. When you consider Warren’s already even with Trump, it doesn’t bode well for her campaign. Most Democrats polls want to beat Trump but they don’t want another white senior citizen to take the middle-of-the-road. Bernie preaches his extreme brand of liberalism like no other. Biden has the problem galvanizing young people and the hard left, looking for a backlash in the 2020 election. Fox News’ poll doesn’t offer much but it mirrors today’s anti-Trump bias in the press.