Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Bid

by John M. Curtis
(310) 204-8700

Copyright December 5, 2011
All Rights Reserved.

               One big pillar of the GOP’s Obama-bashing strategy came crashing down, when 65-year-oild African American former Godfathers’ Pizza CEO suspended his presidential campaign.  Calling media inquires into his dalliances a “high tech lynching,” Cain blasted the media for creating false and misleading allegations regarding sexual harassment and infidelity.  Dogged by constant allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior, Cain finally succumbed to one the worst damage control strategies ever witnessed by a big-Party presidential candidate.  “As of today, with a lot of prayer and searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign,” said Cain, refusing to level with the press and supporters, instead blaming his problems on an overly intrusive press.  Cain’s departure creates problems for the Republican Party, losing a black candidate to bash Obama at will without political fallout.

           Cain questioned everything from Obama’s citizenship to his economic prowess, leaving the country scrambling to find jobs and solutions.  Flamboyant, never dull and pragmatic, Cain distinguished himself from his fellow Republican candidates with a fresh brand of American pragmatism.  Showing a flair for rhetoric, Cain was able, without racial overtones, to question Barack’s competency in many areas considered off-limits by his white counterparts.  Dropping out hurts overall GOP credibility, where prior support disintegrated into the kind of free-for-all that left GOP politicians scrambling.  Suspending his campaign makes GOP apologists look like cheerleaders or appeasers, for closing ranks around Cain.  His abrupt departure indicates that that the current slate of GOP candidates is in trouble.  Grabbing the headlines only hurts already battered GOP political message

             Cain stunned the GOP field, rising above fellow candidates former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, to win the Florida’s straw poll Sept. 24.  His performance in GOP debates pushing his “999 Plan” established him as a legitimate contender, not just some GOP crank.  His dapper appearance, plain, no-nonsense talk gave the GOP base a real alternative to Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and, most of all, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, still considered by many to be the GOP frontrunner.  Cain profited by others’ mistakes, especially a gaffe-prone Perry, who antagonized his Party’s base by revealing rational views on immigration reform.  Cain’s real problems began when conservative news Website “Politico” revealed that he settled sexual harassment claims while running the National Restaurant Association.

            When more women came forward claiming sexual harassment backed by woman’s rights Atty. Gloria Allred, Cain’s goose was cooked.  It was only a matter of time before raging controversy consumed his campaign.  Cain’s fellow GOP candidates all passed the buck on the mushrooming allegations, threatening to take down his campaign.  Even Cain’s book launch, “The is Herman Cain!  My Road to the White House,” couldn’t stop the growing reports of marital infidelity and sexual harassment.  Too many denials didn’t stem the controversy, leading to today’s announcement.  “I am disappointed that it came to this point that we had to make this decision [to withdraw],” said Cain, refusing to acknowledge for legal reasons any of the sexual harassment or infidelity claims.  Cain’s decision to end his White House bid is a virtual admission of his indiscretions and culpability.

            When Politico reported Cain’s sexual harassment claims Oct. 30, the Cain campaign went into the most inept damage control in recent memory.  He categorically rejected any sexual harassment claims, then quibbled over the meaning of “settlements” or “agreements.” By the time the dust settled, he had egg on his face for denying the charges, then admitting he vaguely remembered settling sexual harassment claims, though continuing the denials.  Damage control isn’t rocket science but does require some consistency and, where possible, some type of apology to move on from the crisis.  When Cain told the press to butt out, he won plaudits from GOP conservatives, whose propensities to blame the liberal press serves as a knee-jerk diversionary tactic.  Even with the best damage control strategy, Cain’s indiscretions robbed the GOP’s message heading into Iowa’s Jan 3 caucuses.

            Cain’s campaign fell apart when his longtime friend Ginger White admitted a decade-plus long affair with the Medicare-eligible former Godfather Pizza CEO.  Cain had the plausible deniability on his sexual harassment claims but his affair with White did in his campaign.  Telling the press that they should stay out of his “private sexual life” didn’t help matters, creating more problems for the GOP heading into the New Year.  “Before you get discouraged, today I want to describe Plan B . . . I am not going away.  I will continue to be a voce of the people,” said Cain, announcing his new Website, “TheCainSolutions.com.”  Cain’s friends hope that he recedes quickly into the background before dragging down the entire GOP field.  Falling on his own sword, the GOP only prays that the latest embarrassment doesn’t spread to the rest of the struggling presidential hopefuls.

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He's editor of OnlineColumnist.com.and author of Dodging the Bullet and Operation Charisma.


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