Putin's Slippery Propaganda Keeps on Rolling

by John M. Curtis
(310) 204-8700

Copyright November 23, 2014
All Rights Reserved.

              Like ubiquitous conservative radio talk shows in the U.S., 62-year-old Vladimir Putin plays the global media like a balalaika, exploiting top global media outlets to get out his twisted propaganda. Blaming the U.S. and European Union for “isolating” Russia, Putin vowed that he would never allow the West to put Russian behind a new “Iron Curtain.”  Forget about Putin’s decision to invade and annex Ukraine’s Crimea, that, of course, Putin evades responsibility.  Stationing tens-of-thousands of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border, sending thousands more unmarked forces to back pro-Russian separatists in Southeastern Ukraine, Putin also fiercely denies what’s become obvious to everyone around the planet.  Liquidating Russian fledgling free press under former reform-minded Russian Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, Putin makes no apologies for returning Soviet-style dictatorship.

             Western media outlets covering Putin’s every word, give him easy access to global propaganda, pushing his twisted views of world events.  Putin insisted there’d be no “catastrophic consequences” to ill-advised Western sanctions.  With most pro-Western investments leaving Russia, Putin’s left with alliances with China, India and other developing countries.  He still supplies Europe about 30% of its energy needs, prompting German Chancellor Angela Merkel to reconsider alternatives to Moscow.  Merkel knows first hand what it’s like to grow up behind the “Iron Curtain,” where scarcity and poverty abounded.  Germany’s post-WWII economic recovery, built out the ashes of its Nazi past, is one of the great success stories in world history.  Merkel isn’t about to take Germany back to its East Berlin days, where a new Stalinist leader wants of reclaim the Soviet Union’s past glory.

             Using every media source at his disposal, Putin puts the burden of today’s deteriorated relations with West at the feet of the U.S. and EU.  Speaking only to  Kremlin-backed news outlets Tass and Prvada, he takes no responsibility for Russian’s heavy-handed approach, intimidating former Soviet satellites.  “We understand the fatality of an “Iron Curtain” for us,” obliquely referring to his recent isolation at the G20 Summit in Brisbane, Australia.  Putin refuses to see how he’s become the primary architect in Russia’s economic downfall.  “We will not go down this path in any case and no one will build a wall around us.  That is impossible!” Putin preached to Tass, accepting no blame for putting Russian in bad stead with the U.S. and Europe.  Gorbachev and Yeltsin did everything possible to rescue the old Soviet Union from its totalitarian past.

             Whether he admits it or not, since taking office in May 7, 2000, Putin’s done everything possible to reverse the freedoms and free market reforms of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.  When he blames the West, he’s diverting Russian public attention away from his role in isolating Russia in the eyes of the nation’s most prosperous democracies.  When he says he won’t let the West put Russia behind an “Iron Curtain,” he states the exact opposite of reality.  He put Russian behind bars violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity seizing Crimea March 1, threatening neighboring countries and sending Russian air and navy assets around the globe.  Since Putin’s 2008 land grab in Georgia’s South Ossetia and Abkhazia, he realized that the West lacks the military resources to stop the Russian army from picking low-handing fruit.  No one in the U.S., EU, NATO has the military assets to stop Putin in Eastern Europe.

             Putin’s pernicious propaganda denies that Ukraine has anything to do with the West’s economic and travel sanctions.  He wants the Russian public to believe Russian remains a victim of Western Imperialism, something espoused during Soviet times.  “When Russia starts . . . safeguarding people and its interests, it immediately becomes bad (in the view of the West),” he said, telegraphing his twisted message to the Russian people:  Russian is under attack by the West.  Putin claims that any disgruntled Russian-speaking population from the former Soviet Union is fair game for Russia.  When he speaks of protecting Russian “people and its interests,” there are millions of former Soviet citizens wanting their old Soviet jobs, health care and pensions back.  Whatever economic burden exists from U.S. and EU sanctions, it pales in comparison to paying more government largess to former Soviet citizens.

             Putin propaganda gets so random, so farfetched, so off-the-wall that even the most benighted critics must see the hypocrisy.  “You think it’s over our position over East Ukraine or Crimea?  Absolutely not!  If it wasn’t for that, they would have found a different reason.  It has always been like that,” Putin told Tass, never questioning their Lord’s poppycock.  Putin wants Russians to blame Russia’s economic austerity on the West as a vast conspiracy to destroy mother Russia.  Putin readily blamed the sharp drop in worldwide oil prices on the U.S. and Saudi’s attempt to damage the Russian economy.  “It the price of energy is lowered on purpose, this also hits those who introduce those limits,” blaming the drop in crude oil prices on nefarious U.S.-Saudi manipulation.  Putin wonders why he lacks credibility in the West:  A free press exposes his twisted propaganda and shenanigans.

 About the Author 

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He's editor of OnlineColumnist.com.and author of Dodging the Bullet and Operation Charisma.

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