Herman Cain Caught with His Pants Down

by John M. Curtis
(310) 204-8700

Copyright November 3, 2011
All Rights Reserved.

     Newly-minted 65-year-old GOP presidential frontrunner, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, Herman Cain finds himself in the hot-seat, denying allegations of sexual harassment while heading the National Restaurant Assn. in the 1990s.  Cain denied that any financial consideration was paid to any women in connection sexual harassment claims.  “It was an agreement.  So it looked like I had changed my story.  I didn’t change my story,” Cain told CNN’s “Headline News.”  “The difference between a settlement and agreement, it makes a difference to me,” trying to explain the discrepancy between denying any allegations then admitting any out-of-court settlements.  While allegations of employing illegal aliens are taken seriously for elective office, sexual harassment claims run afoul with today’s politically correct culture, hypersensitive to gender and sexual orientation issues.

            Cain’s prominence in the polls stems from the conservative community embracing African Americans or Hispanics who serve the GOP by demonstrating tolerance of racial diversity.  Former African American presidential candidates like Alan Keyes also carried the conservative bandwagon to the nth degree.  Conservative radio talk show hosts love black or Latino conservatives because they kick dirt in the face of the liberal establishment.  “This is about blacks and Hispanics getting uppity. [Liberals] cannot have a black Republican running for office, can’t have a Hispanic, the left owns those minorities, those two groups can’t be seen rising on their own,” said conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh.  Conservative groups want to blame liberal groups for outing Cain’s past indiscretions, when the more logical source of the leak was inside the Republican National Committee.

            Cain’s candidacy has already thrown the GOP for a loop, in part because there’s so little enthusiasm for old faces like former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney or new ones like Texas Gov. Rick Perry.  While Cain has no lock on the nomination, he’s given Romney and Perry a run for their money.  Dirt-diggers will eventually unearth the source of the leak on Cain’s background.  Sexual harassment claims nearly torpedoed the Supreme Court bid of 63-year-old Clarence Thomas who was accused in 1991 of sexually harassing his law clerk Anita Hill.  Conservatives, especially now retired Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Penn.) rushed to Thomas’ defense, citing sabotage by the liberal establishment.  When the dust clears with Cain, the leaks will no doubt point toward Perry or Romney.  “It’s outrageous the way liberals treat a black conservative,” said 49-year-old conservative GOP media pundit Ann Coulter.

            Sexual harassment claims are rarely made maliciously by two or more people against the same person.   Calling the allegations a “witch hunt,” Cain opens himself up to endless speculation.  Instead of directly confronting each allegation, Cain has chose to pretend that nothing took place.  Categorical denial or denial with feeble explanations create more damage control problems.  “There’s nothing to dig up,” said Cain inviting more assiduous dirt-diggers to go for the jugular.  Calling the charges a “high-tech lynching,” conservative Media Research Center director Brent Bozell, rushed to Cain’s defense.  Pointing fingers at “liberals” work only when you can’t trace the leaks to operatives inside the Romney or Perry campaigns.  While conservatives close ranks for Cain, independents and cross over Democrats won’t take the allegations lightly, hurting Cain’s creditability.

            Conservative pundits, like Limbaugh and Coulter, walk a razor’s edge accusing the liberal establishment of going after Cain.  Since winning the Florida straw poll Sept. 24, Cain has launched himself into GOP frontrunner.  Because he’s black, it’s easier for him to bash Obama without racial overtones.  Cain’s loved in GOP circles because he can shoot from the him, questioning everything, including Barack’s citizenship, without racial repercussions.  “It’s deeply insulting that this is being called political,” said National Organization of Women spokeswoman Erin Matson.  “Sexual harassment allegations are always about a woman who is simply trying to go to work,” naively ignoring the political subterfuge.  When the facts come out, Cain’s leak will most likely come from GOP circles.  Cain walks a fine line denying what looks like some “youthful” indiscretions.

            Cain’s damage control needs some urgent rehab, simultaneously denying sexual harassment allegations, calling them a “witch hunt,” admitting to some recollections of something, then letting Republican shills to blame the charges on the liberal establishment.  “Obviously, some people are going to be turned off by this cloud that some one wanted to put over my campaign,” said Cain, continuing the denial with a feeble explanation of political subterfuge.  Like the Tiger Woods case, the more women that come forward, the more Cain looks like a lying, cheating scoundrel.  Instead of all the smoke blowing, the otherwise garrulous Cain should zip it until he figures out what to say and how to say it.  His denials, explanations, blaming and now back-peddling give Romney and Perry an early Christmas gift.  If he keeps talking, Romney and Perry will get their wish of a two-horse race.

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He's editor of OnlineColumnist.com.and author of Dodging the Bullet and Operation Charisma.

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