Clinton Unhinged

by John M. Curtis
(310) 204-8700

Copyright September 25, 2006
All Rights Reserved.

tripped of his Teflon, former President Bill Clinton came unglued at mild-mannered anchor Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday," proving, if nothing else, he's probably Hillary's biggest liability as she considers a White House run. Speaking on “Fox News Sunday” about his Global Initiative conference, Clinton overreacted and got sidetracked when responding to a question about Osama bin Laden. “Did you do enough to connect the dots and go after Al Qaeda?” asked Wallace, prompting Clinton's hostile diatribe that went on for over 10 minutes. “Why didn't you do anything about the Cole? I want to know how many people you asked, ‘why did you fire Dick Clarke,'” barked Clinton, waving his finger in Wallace's face. Wallace kept his cool but was taken aback by Clinton's overreaction. He expressed surprise over Clinton's “conspiratorial view,” blaming “right-wingers” for leveling the attack.

      Clinton's outburst, though muted, stems from years of taking a beating in the right-wing press, believing he was ambushed by Rupert Murdock's conservative cable news network. Since Sept. 11, given all the focus on Bin Laden, both parties have curiosity why Bin Laden was given a pass, especially after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and especially the 1998 attacks on U.S embassies in East Africa. Clinton insists he did “everything” possible after the embassy bombings, prompting then CIA Director George J. Tenet and FBI Director Louis B. Freeh to declare war on Al Qaeda. In 1998, Clinton fired Cruise missiles at Bin Laden's training camps some 100 kilometers from Kabul. “I authorized the CIA to get groups together and try to kill him,” said Clinton, insisting he left no stone unturned. He failed to admit his problems at the time with the Moncia Lewinsky affair.

      Clinton's problems began when Internet journalist Matt Drudge reported Jan. 19, 1998 he had an affair with a White House intern named Monica Lewinsky. From that date on, the White House was consumed with controlling a raging wildfire engulfing the national press. Clinton forcefully denied his affair on national television Jan. 28, 1998 proclaiming, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman Ms. Lewinsky.” White Water special counsel Kenneth Starr begins investigating the growing scandal. Clinton testified Aug. 17, 1998 before a grand jury in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual harassment case denying under oath he had any type of sexual conduct with Lewinsky, handing his political enemies the rope to hang him for lying under oath. No one to this date has given a satisfactory explanation for why he allowed his affair with Monica to turn into an impeachable offense.

      By the time the House of Representatives voted out articles of impeachment Dec. 19, 1998, the White House was drowning. When U.S. embasssies were bombed Aug. 8, 1998, Clinton was already fighting for his political survival, hoping to avoid impeachment. Clinton denies that the Lewinsky scandal usurped precious energy with which to pursue Osama bin Laden. “At least I tried,” Clinton told Wallace. “That's the difference [between] me and some, including all of the right-wingers who are attacking me now. They ridiculed me for trying,” defending his record of going after Bin Laden. Clinton doesn't acknowledge the legitimate question of whether a White House obsessed with containing a career-ending scandal could stay focused on national security business. Wallace asked why Clinton hadn't “put Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden out of business?” prompting his overreaction.

      Clinton reacted defensively because he was guilty of dragging the country through one of the most wasteful national scandals in U.S. history. Had he taken the 5th in the Paula Corbin Jones grand jury, the impeachment would have never happened. So much national business was wasted on the Lewinsky scandal that Clinton is left with a reservoir of self-loathing. He attacked Wallace not personally but as a totem of all his enemies that made his life miserable during the scandal. Instead of blaming himself, Clinton points the finger at “right-wingers,” just like Hillary did when she covered up her husband's affair, blaming the mess “on a vast right-wing conspiracy.” Poor Wallace for having to take Clinton's abysmal store of self-hate. “And you got that little smirk on your face and you think you're so clever, but I had responsibility for trying to protect this country,” Clinton lashed out at Wallace.

      Clinton's outburst on Fox News Sunday proves he has a lot of unfinished business connected with his role in his own impeachment. While Democrats wish to blame “right-wingers” and give Clinton a pass, they must accept his role in bringing down the Democratic Party. More public outbursts like this hurt Hillary's chances in '08, opening up old wounds and reminding too many people how Bill squandered precious time managing the Oval Office. Democrats need to heed the outrageous remarks by conservative Christian preacher Rev. Jerry Falwell, telling his faithful that nothing, not even Lucifer, would motivate his base more than Hillary running for president. Both Clintons invoke unparalleled antagonism for their disgraceful conduct in the Oval Office. The latest incident should remind Democrats that the public isn't ready for another Clinton in the White House.

About the Author

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He's editor of and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.

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