Obama's Steady Polls

by John M. Curtis
(310) 204-8700

Copyright April 3, 2010
All Rights Reserved.

              Asking for patience about his new health care reform bill, President Barack Obama promised the nation would eventually see the benefits.  Eventually insuring 32 million currently uninsured Americans, Obama’s plan provides the insurance industry the basic blueprint for coverage, offering the plan given to federal workers as the minimum standard.  Years of collective bargaining won federal workers complete coverage, characterized by low deductibles, small co-payments, steep prescription drug discounts and no lifetime caps on inpatient and outpatient treatments.  “Every single day since I signed the reform law, there’s been another poll or headline that said, ‘Nation still divided on health care reform.  Polls haven’t changed yet.’  Well, yes, it just happened last week,” Obama told a crowd in Portland, Maine.  Not a single Republican voted for Barack’s health care reform.

            Republicans promised there would be hell to pay for Democrats at the polls next November.  Since signing health reform into law March 24, Barack’s approval ratings have held steady and slightly risen to an average of 48.4%.  While the GOP predicted a nosedive, Democrats have held there own, watching his approval ratings tick upward.  Former President Bill Clinton, who tried but failed to pass health care reform with his wife Hillary in 1993, predicted Barack’s approval ratings would jump by 10%.  While not giving a timeline, Clinton’s predictions haven’t panned out, despite rising under 2%.   GOP officials hoped to stop Obama dead in his tracks by defeating health care reform.  While Barack’s bounce has been ever-so-slight, the public hasn’t had enough time yet to assimilate their true likes-and-dislikes toward health care reform, something requiring firsthand experience.

            New mischief at the Republican National Committee—paying for adult entertainmemt in LA—derailed GOP momentum following Barack’s health care victory.  It wasn’t that long ago that House Majority Tom Delay (R-Texas) was forced out of office for his close relationship with disgraced GOP fundraiser Jack Abramoff.  During the past year, Republicans did a better job of demonizing health care reform than Democrats did explaining the benefits.  Barack’s job now is to sell his package, explaining its advantages over the old system.   As time goes on, the facts are on the president’s side, explaining in simple terms what ordinary citizens stand to gain.  Getting the biggest entitlement since Medicare, the benefits will become more obvious as time goes on.  Self-insured individuals will be able to purchase standardized policies without restrictions by 2014.

               Small businesses with less than 25 employees will receive immediate tax credits for purchasing employees health insurance.  Credits are expected to increase in size by 2014, when the full program kicks into gear.  Large businesses with over 100 employees by 2014 will be able to purchase policies from “exchanges,” offering low-priced policies with complete benefits.  Millions of self-insured individuals will be eligible to buy policies in the same purchasing pools.  “This health care tax is pro-business and it starts this year,” said Barack dismissing GOP criticism and plans to repeal the bill.  GOP propaganda against health care reform has been so persuasive, nearly 50% of uninsured individuals were frightened by Obama’s plan.  When the uninsured begin understand the tangible benefits of health insurance, they’ll get onboard.  Already 10% more support the president’s plan.

              Calling the plan a “government takeover” was an effective ploy by GOP propagandists.  There’s nothing in Obama’s plan about a government takeover.  Individuals will continue, like Medicare, to see doctors, clinics and hospitals of their personal choice.  No Veterans’ Administration or government doctors, clinics or hospitals will deliver health care under the president’s plan.  Calling it a “government takeover” was the only way the GOP could win opposition to the most generous government entitlement program since Medicare.  As time goes on, when the public is better educated about the anticipated benefits of Barack’s bill, it’s going to be more difficult for the GOP to complain or call for the plan’s repeal.  Telling his critics to “go for it,” Obama invites his opponents to continue their sour grapes in the face of the most lavish government program in U.S. history

            Right wing propaganda is beginning to fade now that Obama’s health care reform plan is getting better press.  No rational person without insurance could possibly object to receiving the equivalent of federal health insurance.  “If they want a fight.  I welcome that fight.  Because I don’t believe the American people are going to put the insurance industry back in the driver’s seat,” said Barack, referring to restrictions against preexisting conditions and other unfair industry practices.  Barack’s health care legislation not only gives insurance to the uninsured it guarantees a level playing field for large companies and the self-employed.  Never again can insurance companies discriminate against individuals with preexisting conditions or provide unreasonable benefits.  When the public really understands Barack’s bill, his approval ratings should go through the roof.

John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He's editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.





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