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Showing he can still stir the pot, former President Barack Obama returned from his Caribbean golf vacation to encourage protests against President Donald Trump’s recent executive orders, including his controversial travel ban. Instead of letting the courts do the talking, Obama felt inclined to chime in now that Trump’s in the Oval Office. Obama doesn’t admit his failure over the last eight years produced the nationwide rebellion delivering Trump to the White House. Loved by minorities no matter what, no one—other than Trump and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hi.)—talks about Obama’s six-year-long support of the Saudi proxy war in Syria, arming-and-funding Syrian rebels to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Returning from a fact-finding trip to the region, Gabbard urged Trump to no longer support Obama’s proxy war, causing 400,000 deaths, 12 million Syrians displaced to neighboring countries and Europe.

Obama likes to point fingers at Trump but takes no responsibility for driving the U.S. and Russia close to war in Syria. Sen. John McCain (R-Az.), who essentially ran Obama’s foreign policy with other war hawks on Capitol Hill, urged Obama Oct. 12, 2016 to set up a dangerous no-fly zone in Syria, shooting down if necessary Syrian and Russian warplanes. Obama’s failed Syrian policy prompted former German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeir to warn the world of possible WWIII. “President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country . . .” said Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis. Since beaten at the ballot box Nov. 8, 2016, former Democratic nominee and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has summoned her disgruntled base to loudly protest. Trump’s recent travel ban of Mideast and North African countries continues the fight.

Obama encouraged street protests July 17, 2016 after Alton Sterling was shot by the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Police Department. Only a week before, six Dallas police officers were shot by 26-year-old sniper Michah Xavier Johnson July 8, 2016, after street unrest when Black Lives Matter decried the slaughter of black citizens by white police officers. After the Dallas police massacre, Obama changed his tune but continued to speak out about police brutality with communities of color. Now Obama speaks out against Trump’s travel ban, something he promised voters in 2016 election. “Citizens exercising their Constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when Americans values are at stake,” said Obama, encouraging protesters to revolt around the country against the Trump White House.

Obama has no problem blaming Trump for discriminating against Muslims, rather than seeing immigration from terrorist-infested regions increasing the chances of terrorism on American streets. “With regard to comparisons in President Obama’s foreign policy decisions, as we’ve heard before, the president fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because or faith or religion,” said Obama, criticizing Trump’s travel ban. Trump never said his ban was against one religion, only to protect the homeland against un-vetted Mideast refugees. Instead of letting the courts rule on Trump’s travel ban, Obama tells disgruntled voters to morph frustrations into street protests. Obama’s failed economic and foreign policy led to Hillary losing the election. Trump offered something different from the same old Washington gridlock.

.Coming out the woodwork now to protest against Trump, Obama breaks a long tradition of former presidents staying out of politics. With Trump dismantling Obama’s executive orders and looking to repeal-and-replace Obamacare, the former president can’t contain himself. Barack says nothing of Trump trying to clean up his failed relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Obama found every excuse to slap Russia with economic sanctions for invading Crimea March 1, 2014 and fighting to keep Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in power. Trump sees the necessity of developing closer ties with Moscow to deal with hotspots around the globe including North Korea, China, Iran and battling the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria [ISIS]. Obama’s go-it-alone foreign policy, alienating Russia, left the U.S. with little leverage around the globe. Only closer ties to Russia could help the problem.

Whipping up more post-election anger in the streets, Obama’s doing again what he did after unfortunate officer-involved shootings of black citizens. When violence erupted in Dallas July 7 and Baton Rouge July 17 killing 8 police officers, Obama fueled the racial flames talking about a broken criminal justice system. Now that he’s out of office, Obama looks more frustrated than ever watching Trump undo much of his last eight years. Obama learned the hard way signing Obamacare into law March 23, 2010 without one Republican vote. From that day on, Barack had no chance of getting anything done in Congress. He lost majorities in the House and Senate later that year, watching his legislative agenda go up in flames. Encouraging street protests and slamming Trump less than two weeks after inauguration signals a new low in U.S. partisan politics, promising only more gridlock.